Letter Appointment from Ministry of Industry Indonesia

Supporting Imajin as the first startup in Indonesia to become a Manufacturing Hub.

The Ministry of Industry, through the Directorate General of Small, Medium, and Multifarious Industries (Ditjen IKMA) appointed and supported Imajin as the first start-up in Indonesia to become a Manufacturing Hub. Manufacturing Hub is a manufacturing ecosystem platform that has several functions, including:


Imajin is a manufacturing marketplace to support a collection of small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) industries that provide manufacturing services such as molding, casting, metalworking, machine assembly, manufacturing of machine tools components, manufacturing of automatic components, manufacturing of electronic PCBs, and assembling of electronic products.


Imajin is a manufacturing platform that translates product designs into finished products with project management support.


Imajin is a manufacturing platform that translates product designs into finished products with project management support.


Imajin is a manufacturing platform that translates product designs into finished products with project management support.

In connection with the appointment in question and the above task functions, it is hoped that Small and Medium-sized enterprise (SME) industries along with other potential partners can join as Imajin partners so that cooperation between Small and Medium-sized enterprise (SME) industries and large Industries can be implemented immediately.
